Our friends from that we usually get together w/ every week were possibly going to come over today b/c Chad had a conference in Grand Rapids & I'd be by myself w/ Asher. We went out & played a bit this morning, but it was a bit cold & windy, so that didn't last very long. We came back in & it was time for Sesame Street (& my daily latte), so I turned on the TV & set to work making my coffee.
I came back out of the kitchen to find this:
Apparently Sesame Street wasn't enough to keep him awake this morning!
Our friends showed up about 1/2 an hour later & I eventually prodded him awake, but he just sat in his chair & watched Ryne play. I took his temperature b/c he felt a bit warm as well & it was 102.8! Hasn't this kid been sick enough in the last month?
To top it off, Chad & I are flying out of town tomorrow to go see a church. I just hope it's a 24 hour thing b/c I feel bad for him & I don't really like to have to leave him w/ someone else when he's sick b/c that's no fun for anybody.
Poor Baby!!! he is getting so big!!!