Tuesday, 4 January 2011

2010 Latte Winner Announced, & 2011 Contest!

After a year of latte enjoyment, the official count for 2010 is a mere 197!  I was shocked that it was so low, but I think my waistline thanks me for holding back a bit!  The winner was Mianna, with a guess of 243.  Most of the other guesses were around double what my actual consumption was.  So, I'll be sending a coffee themed prize to Mianna (just send me a private message with your mailing info) next week!

I'll be counting the number of lattes again this year (I've already had TWO!).  If you want to have a chance at winning the prize next year, just leave a comment on this post with your guess before the end of January!  You can watch the counter on the top right of my blog!


  1. Okay, here is my guess (I missed out on this last year!). I am going to venture and say 211, in honour of the current year!

  2. here's a guess for you...207 .. enjoy!

  3. okay I will guess again...... 179. :)

  4. ‎183 and might I just add I love reading your posts!

  5. wait, i *won*?! WOOT, WOOT!! i never win anything - who needs powerball or mega millions are whatever it was last night, when i have *this*?! ;-D

    happy dance, happy dance!! "( \ )" "( / )" "( \ )" "( / )"

  6. Congrats Mianna!

  7. I guess 216....what a fun idea! Have a great weekend Sherilyn! :) -Nan VanKlaveren

  8. ...A lot!...Can that be my "official" guess?!?...

  9. @Eren M
    No, you need an actual number, goofball. :)

  10. How about a "Butt-load"...I think that comes out to 129 Gallons?!?...

  11. 129 Gallons...sounds good...granted, I don't know how to measure it...my wife says, "Assuming their grande's it would be 1,032!" Booyah!...probably more like 100 lattes...

  12. 186, better get drinking!
