Monday, 26 October 2009

Pat Update

A few months ago, I wrote about my friend Pat, who had broken his neck, and was now believing that God would heal him. Here's an update:


  1. That original video left an impact on me, Sherilyn.... The progress is amazing....what a great, miraculous God we have~ What a challenge he has overcome! Thx for updating

  2. ive been reading your blog for a few months now (sorry i'm a lurker, my bad! i should comment more!)
    and when you first posted his video i was like ohmygosh! what a small world cuz i know pat and his family, since like forever-- and i found your blog just by typing in "pastor's wife" to blogspot.... so anyway, i thought that was neat. i'm a pastors wife too - i think your blog is great, and i am really really happy for pat too, its such a cool God thing.

