Sunday, 31 January 2010
Sunday Pictures
Friday, 29 January 2010
Cough, Cough, Hack, Wheeze
The other night as PChad was putting Asher to bed, Asher just couldn't quit coughing. PChad advised him to try to stop talking b/c that was just making it worse.
Asher replied, "But I LOVE to talk!"
The interesting part is that he didn't say he LIKED talking, or enjoyed it somewhat. No, the kid LOVES talking!
Now, if only we could just get him to open up about what he does at playschool, because according to him, he does "lots of things" but won't actually tell us what any of those things are.
Thursday, 28 January 2010
First Phone Call
I told him to start off by saying his name & then asking for the person he wanted to talk to.
He said, “Hello, my name is Asher. Can I talk to Miss A?”
The person who answered informed him that Miss A wasn’t there, so Asher inquired, “Who is this?”
He then proceeded to tell them the reason for the call. We were borrowing some train tracks & trains from them & part of the bridge was missing, so his intent was to ask if they could look for it & bring it to church the next day. Here’s what I heard:
“I need the ‘rap’ for the train… NO, the ‘RAP’, so the train can go up, and down, and up, and down a little bit and that’s it.”
He was having issues enunciating so the person on the other end could understand what it was he wanted, so I had to jump in & explain, but all in all, he did a pretty good job with minimal prompting.
Of course, once that phone call was over, he requested calling about 5 other people. It’s a good thing we have a cheap phone plan!
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Medical Care
The other night, as I was drifting off to sleep, I kept hearing Asher cough. I’d almost be asleep & he’d cough again, so I decided to get him some medicine.
I crept into his room & he sat bolt upright & demanded, “What are you doing in here?”
I told him I was there to give him some medicine for his cough, and he noisily slurped it up.
After I left his room & was rinsing off the spoon, I heard a little voice say, “Thanks for the medicine!”
It sure is nice to be appreciated every now & then.
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
I See Your Point
A few years ago, when PChad returned from a missions trip to Mexico, he brought a small guitar for Asher. I quickly informed the pair of them, that playing guitars was a Daddy activity, since I knew that Asher would be begging me constantly to play it otherwise, and I, not having ever played guitar before, would not be a suitable playmate.
Every now & then, Asher remembers that both he & Daddy have guitars, and asks to play the “bananjos.” Saturday afternoon was one of those occasions.
At the time that Asher asked, we had just put on some kids’ music to dance around to, and Chancery was really getting into it, so it wasn’t the most opportune time to get the guitars out.
Asher was persistent in his begging, and when PChad finally told him that he wasn’t going the get the guitars out because Asher doesn’t play with it properly, Asher was indignant.
“I am big enough now! I got bigger and I’m three AND A HALF now, and I DO play it properly!”
Seeing the logic in Asher’s argument, PChad had no choice, but to acquiesce to his demands.
Monday, 25 January 2010
Great Dancing In The UK
The two dancers were in the bottom 4 last week & their respective partners were sent home. This couple was determined to do a great job so as to not be in the bottom again, and the results are brilliant!
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Sunday Pictures
Friday, 22 January 2010
God Is Watching Us
So, PChad removed Asher from his chair & gave him a time out. Asher was quite upset, & as he sat there, he told us, "God makes the rules, and when Daddy give me a time out, God sees that, and he says, no I don't have to!"
Talk about feeling pressure to be a good parent!
Thursday, 21 January 2010
I'm With Cupid -Review
We watch as her relationship begins on a rocky road, and just keeps getting bumpier & bumpier. The guy she falls for is far from being ready for a committed relationship, but for some reason, that doesn't seem to be what causes most of the problems for this couple.
What I really liked about this book, is that while it is a romance, the primary purpose is not to titillate, but to teach us something about love. I also appreciated that there were no explicit bedroom scenes, as most modern romances seem to think are necessary.
I'd definitely recommend this book if you are looking for a quick, light read, and want to take a break from the run-of-the-mill romance novels.
Monday, 18 January 2010
This Too Shall Pass
Well they have a new song out called "This Too Shall Pass", and they have struck music video gold once again.
They used Notre Dame's marching band, and made the video in one take. ONE TAKE! Amazing!
OK Go - This Too Shall Pass from OK Go on Vimeo.
h/t mindi
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Sunday Pictures
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Trash Or Treasure
One saturday morning, I saw a nice little painting marked $3.00. Being Dutch & cheap, I decided to barter with the man, & asked if he'd be willing to take $2 for the painintg. He thought about it briefly & said ok. As he was handing the money over to his wife, she turned to me & asked, do you know who the artist is? I told her that I didn't & she replied, "I am."
Well, of course, I felt pretty stupid having talked them down on one of her own paintings, especially when she commented, "Two dollars doesn't even pay for the frame!"
But her husband could've always said no!
I still really like this painting, but PChad for some reason, has never liked it. I decided that it needed to be hung, so I figured that if I hung it in the washroom on an existing nail, PChad wouldn't have a problem with that. The next day, I noticed that he had put a new nail in the wall & hung the painting across from the toilet, instead of leaving it behind the toilet.
When I questioned him about it, he said, "That way when you go in the washroom, YOU can see it & I don't have to."
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Can I Play Too?
Friday, 8 January 2010
Distressed Shirt
Unfortunately, that was a load of DARKS that I had in the washing machine along with my bleached items. I didn't really think about it until I was folding the laundry, and at that point I was just really thankful that nothing seemed to have gotten bleached from it.

So, my question for you fashionable lot is, does my shirt look like it's just a bit distressed, or does it look like a laundry mishap? Can I still wear it & not look like a cleaning lady, or should I just start using it as a cleaning rag?
Thursday, 7 January 2010
The problem arises when his actions are more destructive than cute.....
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
My Favourite Post of 2009
Have a favourite post of your own? Head on over to Vintage Dutch Girl's blog & link up!
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Learning Patience
Monday, 4 January 2010
Venture A Guess

I figured it's time for a contest/give-away, so I'm taking a page out of Brit Gal Sarah's book.
I'm going to keep a running total, on my sidebar, of how many lattes I drink this year. All you have to do to win, is leave a comment on this post with your guess as to what that number might be. Comments will be closed at the end of January, so take your best guess & submit your answer! You have nothing to lose! The closest guess wins!
What's up for grabs? Well, I'll put together a little coffee themed gift for the winner, who will be named at the end of the year!
*please make sure you put your email address in your comment so I have a way to contact you!
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Sunday Pictures
Friday, 1 January 2010
Always On The Move
First she suggests we dance, then since I do not oblige, she focuses her attentions on the cow pillow, talking all the while.