Today I decided it was time to look for a new winter coat for myself. The kids were both in school & I had no plans for the morning, so I set out to find it. My old winter coat is 10 years old now. It’s a bit dirty looking, frayed, & quite bulky, as that was how they were made back then. Now, with new technology in coats, you can be warm, with 1/2 the weight! That coat has served me well for the past 10 years, & I set out to find another 10 year coat!
I first stopped at Target, bought a purple down 3/4 length coat that happened to be on sale for almost half price, but after thinking about it, I decided it would not work very well for playing in the snow, or skiing, or the like. So, less than 1/2 an hour after purchasing the purple down coat, I returned it.

Next, I headed to SportChek, & found a Firefly coat for 40% off.
I like this coat, but it is rather thin, & I was worried that I might not stay warm. I really, really hate to be cold, & it can get very cold here, so I want a really good coat.

PChad told me to go check a few more stores, so off I went to Sporting Intentions. I asked a lot of questions, & was shown a lot of coats of varying prices & warmth. Nothing was on sale, so I had to settle for paying full price. After much deliberation, I chose a Scott Coat.
I came home with the 3rd coat of the day, but it did not seem to be any thicker than the Firefly coat. So, I decided to check Google for some comparisons & reviews. Unfortunately both of the coats I had come home with are new this year, & so there were no reviews. PChad decided to join me for another trek to SportChek.

We looked around & compared many different brands finally settling on a Columbia coat. even though it wasn’t on sale, it looked to be a warm coat, & it was a little cheaper than the Scott Coat.
So, after buying 4 coats today, & bringing 3 home, it is time to decide which one to keep. The key thing for me is being warm, the second concern is the colour of the coat, & how easy it would be to keep clean. All of the coats have thumb holes, of which I am a big fan, so they are all comparable in that regard. So now, dear reader, which coat would you choose?