So I insist that whenever an item of footwear is removed it must be placed in the designated “sock spot”, for if it wasn’t for this place, we would never have a clue as to where the missing socks had gone.
Every night, as I make my way upstairs I must remember to collect the day’s socks & put them in the laundry, because otherwise, we can end up with a week’s worth of socks piled up in the “sock spot”.
It may seem like a small thing, but it makes a big difference on those mornings when it’s time to head out for school & we don’t have to wonder where the socks have been left lying, for they will be found in the small pile near the back door.
I like to think that I’m also teaching my kids a bit about organization…
good idea! we have that problem here too...i've found socks admist a bunch of dinky cars or in my bed...