Saturday, 18 October 2008

Hair Styles

In response to Sarah's post at Life In The Parsonage, I went back to see how much (or little) my hair has changed over time.

Here's a picture of me in 1994. Take note of just how blonde/white my hair was. Some curl, mostly frizz.

And in 2005, more of a honey blonde, better taken care of perhaps, not as frizzy, more curl, nice length.

In April of 2006 we have lost some length mainly due to a donation to "Locks of Love" rewarding me w/ a free haircut. What's 10" when you are saving $10?

Amazingly, by January of 2007 I've gained quite a bit of length back, but my hair is still getting darker.

By May 2007 I had donated again to "Locks of Love", hence the short hair once again.

August 2008, it took a lot longer for my hair to grow this time. It seemed to have more frizz than curl once again, so I went to a REAL salon & paid big bucks for a REAL haircut!

See the difference? Me neither. Needless to say, I wasn't super happy w/ my one Salon experience, so I had a girl from church fix it:

Much better! I'm starting to look like a grown up!


  1. How fun! I LOVE the length of the last picture, your curls are lovely!

  2. It looks very nice. Is it easier to care for? I’m surprised that it is so curly!

  3. Very cute! Looks like it will be easy to style. ~ Jodi

  4. It really has darkened over the years! I looks super cute in the last picture. I love it!!!

  5. It is always fun to lok back at style changes. Mind if I steal this idea for one of my posts?

  6. Wow do I know that journey. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have this exact type of hair. Mine gets darker as I get older too. Luckily my brother just married a great beautician - oh the difference it has made for my hair.

  7. Wow, your hair has definately changed! And I can totally relate to the getting darker..... mine is the same way!! Why is that??
    So glad you like the cut!!
