Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Don't Forget Your Special Treat!

We are trying to get Asher to poo or wee in the potty. We have tried promises of going to the toystore to pick out a "Special Treat" which has been described as a car carrier, garbage truck, school buss, etc. Whatever the toy of the moment is. We have tried candies & taking away all candies other than potty reward time candies. All to no avail.

So far, we have not had to give him any candies & he seems fine w/ it. He does know that's the only time he can have any candy, but now he just says, "I don't want a special treat, I'm pooping right now." Or I don't want any candies, I don't want to poop on the potty." We're ok w/ that. I understand he might be a little young yet, & it's not so easy to rush off to the washroom at the drop of a hat when I'm nursing, or trying to put Chancery to bed.

The latest ploy has been putting a jar of Smarties & M&Ms in the washroom so he can see it all the time. We thought that if he has a visual reminder of what his reward will be, it might help. And let me tell you, it has helped! But not the person it was supposed to help. Now everytime I go to the washroom I see that jar of chocolate tempting me, and I have to eat them. It's not that I don't have the willpower to say no, Asher stands outside & waits for me to finish & then reminds me, "Don't forget your candies, you pooped on the potty! Yay, Mummy!" So I have to have some to show that it's a great reward. And I don't mind taking one for the team every now & then. After all, it is a special treat!


  1. One suggestion is to try and let him watch a video about using the bathroom to make sure he has the full concept down. Also some kids motivations aren't the common ones, maybe stickers are more fun than candy, or even coins. Then again, he just might not be ready yet.

  2. When you have a baby they should warn you that potty training is hell and your child will never do anything you expect them to do..lol......We went through everything with Andon to get him to potty....stickers, candy, toys....he wanted nothing to do with any of it...He even got to the point that he wanted candy all of the time...everything backfired on us..lol...
    THEN my cousin bought him a book "Once Upon a Potty" by Alona Frankel...it is a little more descriptive then I was prepared for but as soon as we started reading that he immediatly went with the whole idea.......Now we are only wearing pullups at night!!!!!! And have very few accidents.....
    Hold on...it will happen and it won't be easy either..lol.......It is hard and frustrating, but it will happen...lol
