Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Do You Hear What I Hear?

The other day PC, Asher & I were sitting together on the couch. Asher turned to PC & said, "Hear that? Do you hear that sound, Daddy?" PC said, "What sound, Buddy?" To which Asher replied, "Mummy's scratching my back & it's making that sound." Such an observant little boy, you can't get anything past him.

We were in the truck listening to the news a few days later & one of the stories was about a girl who had gone up on the stage at a bar & stripped naked, but they couldn't prosecute her b/c the bar used to be a strip club & the land still had the license for that kind of establishment. From the back seat we hear, "The girl got up on the bar &....." Apparently he missed the end of that news clip. Good thing, or we'd be explaining what stripping means, & I'm not sure he's mature enough for "the talk" yet.

At the bank yesterday we were trying to get Asher to say hi to the lady who was helping us, but he wouldn't talk to her. She was trying everything to draw him out to no avail. Finally she asked him what his name was..... still no answer. She said, "Are you Jack?" His forceful reply was, "I'm NOT Jack, I'm ASHER!" Then he kept repeating this phrase just in case she forgot or was confused. She then said we didn't need to open the RESP for him b/c he was going to get a full ride scholarship b/c he was a genius. What can I say? The kid has good genes!

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