Tuesday, 23 March 2010


Chancery has really been chatting up a storm, and lately she likes to describe what she’s doing, or what is going on around her.

A few days ago, she was summoned to breakfast, but apparently that was not what she wanted to be doing at that moment.  She sat in her seat & cried a bit, then said, “Chancery crying,” and continued her crying right where she had left off.


Sometimes talking to her can get confusing, I asked her if she’d like to go play in Asher’s room, she said, “NO!”  When I verified, “No?”  she agrees & says, “Yes.”  So I ask, “You WANT to play in Asher’s room?”  “NO!!” she yells at me, like I’M the confusing one.


My favourite was yesterday at snack time, she finished her cheese & announced, “All done, mouth!”