Sunday, 15 February 2009

Sunday Pictures: week 26

Asher - 2.5 years
Chancery - 6 months

Asher: "Greetings, Ladies & Gents! Today we are
going to show you something very exciting!"

Chancery: "We are going to show you how to read a book!"

Chancery: "You don't have a book? How are we going
to show them if we don't have a book?"

Chancery: "That's right, off you go, & don't
forget to bring a book back!"

Chancery: "You take the book like so, & put it in your lap,
then you stick your fingers in it so you can open it!"

Chancery: "See, we've opened it! Isn't that so exciting?!
And Asher's going to read it now."

Asher: "That's how you read a book!"

Chancery: "I just LOVE books!"