Wednesday, 25 February 2009

How Does That One Go?

I don't know if there are any of you that take common songs & then change the words a bit to make fun little songs for/about your kids..... Here are a few of our favourites.

(to the tune of "Oh Where, Oh Where, Has My Little Dog Gone")
Oh where, oh where, did Asher go?
Oh where, oh where could he be?
He was just right here a minute ago.
Oh where oh where could he be?

(to the tune of "Jesus Loves the Little Children")
Daddy loves his little Asher,
He's the coolest Asher in the world!
Everyday when I wake up
I know I'm a lucky man
'cuz Asher is the coolest Asher in the world!

Then there are the songs that we kind of know the tune, but not all the words, so we made up a bit:

(To the tune of "Lambert the Sheepish Lion")
Cle-ean up, it is time to cle-ean up!
Let's put all the books & toys awa-aay 'cuz it is time to clean up!

Be patient, be patient, don't be in such a hurry!
Be patient, be patient, you'll only start to worry (up 'til here we're good, then we improvised)
And then lots of bad things will start happening to you
'cuz everyone around you will become impatient too!

So I'm wondering what songs you've adjusted a bit, or maybe we're the only weird ones!


  1. I must be weird because I don't even have kids and do that.... :)

  2. Our clean up song is...

    clean up, clean up
    everyone, everywhere
    clean up clean up
    Everybody do your share.

  3. Be patient, be patient, don't be in such a hurry!
    Be patient, be patient, you'll only start to worry
    Remember, remember that God is patient too
    so think of all the times when others have to wait for you

  4. We do this all the time to millions of songs. One that comes to mind right now is (to the tune of Mighty Mouse)
    Here she comes to save the day.
    Mighty Mom is one her way.
    She's saving babies near and faaaaar.
    'Cause she's a super staaaaaaaaaar.

    My kids just roll their eyes at this one because I usually sing it when I'm coming to break up a fight.
