Tuesday, 11 February 2014

My 35th Birthday

Yesterday was my 35th birthday.  I had a wonderful day celebrating, in the most unusual manner.  Had someone told me a few years ago that I would be celebrating by spending the day shopping with 3 ladies who are twice my age, & having the most delightful time, I don’t think I would have believed them!


I have been part of a cross-stitching group through my church for a few years now, & the ladies & I have become quite good friends.  We were scheduled to have a stitching day on my birthday, but then Ellen (one of the members) called me & asked if I would like to go to Moncton for the day with the ladies instead.  I thought that sounded fun, so I agreed, then Ellen said, “That’s great… would you be able to drive us?”  Well, I do love to drive, so I agreed to that too!



Our first stop was Timmy’s; after the long drive we had to get our caffeine fix!  Then we went to the cross-stitch store, & spent a good amount of time there re-stocking supplies, & browsing.

IMG_0949 Then it was off to Montana’s for lunch.  I think I was the only one who had been to a Montana’s before, so I showed them the ropes.


IMG_0951 Gonda was surprised to be given a Mason jar to drink from!


IMG_0952 Since it was my birthday I got to wear the birthday hat!



And Gonda’s birthday is the day after mine, so she got a hat too!


We then headed to Costco, and ended the day walking the mall.  By the time we decided to head home I think we were all shopped out, but it was one of my most fun birthdays!  I’m really glad to call these ladies my friends!


  1. A happy late birthday to you, Sherilyn. It's great hanging out with older ladies who know how to have so much fun. What a nice present!

  2. Did those ladies know what they were doing by asking you to drive?? Thinking about it makes me worry. Glad you had a GREAT birthday!!

    1. Yes, they have driven with me quite a bit!
