Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Too Smart For His Own Good

In Walmart a few weeks ago, I was calling for Asher to come since he had wandered a bit further afield than I was comfortable with.  It takes a bit to get his attention sometimes, so I called, “Asher… ASHER… ASHER!!!”


An employee who was in the vicinity heard me calling him & asked, “What’s his name?”


About that time, Asher had joined me & answered for himself, “My name is Asher! A-S-H-E-R”


Then he began to sing for her…

♪♫ “There was a Daddy had a boy & Asher was his name-o!

A-S-H-E-R, A-S-H-E-R, A-S-H-E-R, and Asher was his name-O!” ♪♫


The woman said, “I like that name, I’ve never heard it before!”


At that moment I thought I of saying, “Really?  Because I feel like we’re here all the time!”


Then, since Asher’s song had garnered such attention for him, he started to act goofy to entertain the lady some more.


She then commented, “He should stay here tonight, we’d be entertained!”


Asher tried to jump on that bandwagon, but I told him that he was only allowed to stay if he got a job, to which he replied, “I’m not old enough to work here!”

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