Thursday, 22 July 2010


IMG_3641 When we lived in Grand Rapids, I became really good friends with Kami.  When I got pregnant with Asher, she discovered she was also pregnant, with twin boys.  We had our boys within 6 weeks of eachother, and for the next year we got together often for playdates.
IMG_3644 The next year found us in Ontario, & Kami in California.
IMG_3646 A year after that, we were spread as far as possible in North America, with us living on Prince Edward Island, and Kami in Savoonga, Alaska

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Recently, Kami moved from Alaska to Southern Washington, so when I went to visit my parents near Seattle, we knew we had to see eachother.

So, Kami showed up at my parents’ house & we headed to the beach to see what we could find.

A big starfish…

…and a little starfish.

 IMG_3656 We tipped a lot of rocks, & found crabs of all different sizes, eels, hermit crabs, snails, & even jelly fish.  We had a great time seeing each other after 3 years, & the time together was too short!
IMG_3662 When it was time to go, Logan & Owen were unimpressed!


  1. I agree...the time was too short! When are you coming back? It's good to see your photos and hear about your trip. We missed our daily blog entertainment while you were gone:)

  2. what a great time! glad you guys got to have a visit. :)
