Friday, 6 November 2009

Ministry Wives' Scavenger Hunt

The Preacher's Wife is hosting a "Ministry Wives Scavenger Hunt" To find out more (or to participate), click on the button to go to her site.

1. First Name - Sherilyn

2. State and Country of Residence - Prince Edward Island, Canada

3. Husband’s Ministry Title - Pastor

4. Length of time in Current Ministry Location - Just over 1 year

5. Children - Asher, 3 year old boy
- Chancery, 1 year old girl

6. Number of unique homes in which you’ve lived during your marriage - We've lived in 11 different houses, in 7 different cities/towns, in 4 States/Provinces, and 3 Countries.

7. Cook Sunday lunch or eat out - We'd definitely choose to eat out more if money wasn't a factor, but we do both.

8. Typically on time for Sunday School or not - On time or early

9. Favorite TV Show - FlashForward

10. Something you watch/like/do that you would never tell the church people. (Except now you just did…lol) - I enjoy playing Facebook poker with my friends.

11. Most annoying church-related pet peeve - I wish I could talk to people after church, but it's near impossible to do b/c I have to chase the kids around.

12. One thing you need to throw away but can’t bring yourself to do it - Clothes, I have some that I don't like, but I keep thinking that at some point I might grow to like them.

13. The one food you can not live without - Sweet & Sour Pork

14. Parsonage or have your own home - We have our own home

15. Freak when the doorbell rings or always ready for a visitor - It doesn't bother me if the house is messy if someone unexpectedly comes to the door. I figure that when I go to visit other people, I'm there to see them, not their house. Besides, I have 2 small kids, I can't keep it picked up ALL the time!


  1. I have an Asher too! He's 6 months.
    I think we're going to start hearing that name more, it seems to be getting more popular.

    Nice to meet you!

  2. Hi Sherilyn! Your children are beautiful!

  3. Hi Sherilyn! Nice to meet you.


    I have heard PEI is a beautiful place.

    So nice to meet you.

  5. Holy Cow, woman!! You are quite the globe trotter!!!! You are adorable Sharilyn!!

  6. Can i say i'm jealous you live on Prince Edward Island ???

  7. Hi! I live in Cape Breton, NS. I have some family and close friends in PEI. They are both in Kensington. My in laws just moved there from BC. It is a beautiful place and we visit whenever we can, in fact, we'll be there for Christmas! What church are you with in Charlottetown? I have a friend who used to pastor in Charlottetown. So nice to "meet" you!
