Monday, 31 March 2014

March Break

Well, it’s a good thing the schools call the break “March Break” & not “Spring Break” because so far, we have seen no signs of spring!  Two weeks ago, the kids had a week off school for March break, & while the weather wasn’t terrible, it wasn’t really the kind of weather you send your kids out to play in either.  So, we busied ourselves with cookie baking, farm visiting, & play dates.  Then the kids went back to school (hallelujah!), but it only lasted for 2 days.  Last Wednesday we had a blizzard, we got 21” of snow in a 24 hour period adding to the snow which still has not melted from earlier this year.


Due to Wednesday’s blizzard, school was cancelled Thursday & Friday as well.  Saturday & Sunday things went back to normal, but we had snow, ice pellets, rain & freezing rain Sunday afternoon & evening.


The kids are home from school again today due to the ice, & we are also under a winter storm advisory again.  We are having more freezing rain, & they are talking about school being cancelled tomorrow too.  More snow is expected tomorrow as well, up to 12”.

So far the city has had 154” (12’10”).  I guess if we’re going to have more snow, we might as well try to go for a new record, eh?  But I am ready for the kids to go back to school!

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Sunday Pictures

Asher – 7.5 years

Chancery – 5.5 years


IMG_1012 Chancery: “I am having a little cuddle with Digby!”


IMG_1013 Asher: “Can I have a turn, Chancery?”


IMG_1014 Asher: “Digby ran away!”


IMG_1015 Chancery: “You can have a cuddle with me, Asher!”

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Creative Writing

Asher is a logical thinker.  He has always had difficulties with imaginative play & creative writing.  We have been trying to help him improve in this area, & tonight he really seemed to get it!  Here is the story he wrote:


What If Toys Could Move By Themselves?

I open the door to my room.  I see Dad’s rocket flying around the room,  The pilot waves at me and then keeps on flying.  The trucks are driving (all by themselves!)  My trains wave, at me!  The whirlpool* was made real, and I fell in!  Only then did I realize that all the commotion was because a genie was underneath our house!


I wish that all the commotion WOULD STOP!!!” I said.


I went up the whirlpool and then… peace.  “Finally!!” I said.


**Asher built a Lego “whirlpool” out of some of his Lego pieces a few days ago.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Sunday Pictures

Asher – 7.5 years

Chancery – 5.5 years


IMG_1000 Asher: “I want to have our pictures with Digby!”


IMG_1001 Asher: “Are you getting us?”


IMG_1002 Asher: “How about this?  Did you get us both?”


IMG_1003 Chancery: “I don’t think this is going to work, Asher.”


IMG_1004 Chancery: “We’ll just get our pictures taken, then we can go back to playing with Digby!”

Friday, 21 March 2014


PChad & I have been keeping a secret.  We didn’t tell our friends, we didn’t tell our kids, but yesterday after the kids had their rest time, we had a special surprise for them!

IMG_0985 We got a puppy!  He is a Shih Tzu Yorkie mix, & we named him “Digby”.


IMG_0993 He is just 2 months old, & the kids are super excited about him!

(hopefully that also means they are excited about walking him & cleaning up after him too!)


IMG_0994 I think he likes us too!

Monday, 17 March 2014

St Paddy’s Day

Thought this was a good one for today!

Happy St Patrick’s Day!

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Sunday Pictures

Asher – 7.5 years

Chancery – 5.5 years


IMG_0977 Chancery: “Almost here!”


IMG_0978 Chancery: “Here he comes!”


IMG_0979 Chancery: “See, Asher has arrived!”


IMG_0980 Asher: “Can you believe that I floated here in that balloon?”


IMG_0981 Asher: “It was not very fast, like a rocket ship would be…”


IMG_0982 Chancery: “But it’s a fun way to travel, isn’t it, Asher?”


IMG_0983 Chancery: “Perhaps you would like to try it, Mummy!”

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Sunday Pictures

Asher – 7.5 years

Chancery – 5.5 years


IMG_0971 Asher: “I have a very cool robot to show you today.”


IMG_0972 Chancery: “I am enthralled.”


IMG_0973 Chancery: “I am pretty sure we have seen this robot a thousand times, Asher.”


IMG_0974 Asher: “Well, let me show you something really cool!”


IMG_0975 Asher: “See?  Now it’s a car!”

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Standing Up

Chancery came home from school yesterday, & right away she said, “I told the bullies about Jesus loving them, but they did not believe me.”


I was going to ask her why they were bullies, but she took a deep breath & continued on.


“The bullies were not being nice to my friends, so I tried to tell the bullies all about how nice Jesus is, & how much he loves everyone, but they wouldn’t believe me.”


I told her what a great job she had done to stand up for her friends who were being mistreated by the bullies, & how wonderful it was that she decided to tell the bullies about Jesus.


Often we are not as brave.  When we see others being mistreated, we turn a blind eye, glad that it isn’t us being targeted.  If we do happen to speak up, do we do so in love, sharing Christ with our persecutors?  May God grant us the strength to stand for what’s right, & go that one step further & be a witness too.  Those bullies might not believe us today, but someday they might…

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Sunday Pictures

Asher – 7.5 years

Chancery – 5.5 years


IMG_0966 Chancery: “This is Lizzy, my lizard.”


IMG_0967 Asher: “This is my Lego spaceship!”


IMG_0968 Chancery: “I think Lizzy is sick.  She just doesn’t move at all.”


IMG_0969 Asher: “My spaceship has a pod that can shoot out from it.”


IMG_0970 Chancery: “Thank you for visiting with us today.  Come again next week to see what toys we bring to show you!”